The challenges with systems where there are many Systems of Records (SoR) can be quite a few. Especially if you’re looking to expand your business.  This will inevitably lead to function deficencies with speed, scale and volume that results in e.g unavailability, poor user experience and cost as access fees increase exponentially.  The Digital Integration Hub (DIH) is designed to adress these issues. DIH is a product from the company Gigaspaces, who provide state of the art technologies for high speed, low latency systems. The DIH decouples the SoR from digital applications, allowing app developers to focus on business logic and innovative services without having to worry about integration with SoR  applications. DIH allows In Memory Grid technology!

Want to know more? Then this video should do it.


If you have any questions about DIH or want to get started, please contact Patric Helje on  or  076-830 52 05.