Faster and More Efficient Results
Lemontree’s consultants focus on helping companies deliver faster results and become more efficient. We usually work with automating, robotising and simplifying processes and software used in both the development and use phases.
You can find our consultants in roles such as technical testers, automation consultants, RPA, requirements and project management as well as within DevOps projects. Not infrequently, we assist with competence at a strategic level to develop concepts and strategies for how businesses can work more efficiently in the long term. We often work with digitisation of processes through automation and robotisation to both improve and speed up processes for our customers.
Our Experts
Lemontree has worked with digitisation, automation and testing for around 20 years and we offer extensive experience in testing both web, mobile and desktop applications as well as legacy systems. Our competence and experience mean that we can help you find the best competence and expertise in e.g. API, E2E UI, Service, data warehouse, regression tests or to assist with best practice in testing.
Areas of Expertise
- Requirements
- Project and test management
- Technical testing, test automation and test data competence
- RPA and automatisation experts
- Testers in various disciplines and industries such as finance, telecom, retail and Life Science
- DevOps
Read more about our services in:
- Test automatisation
- Test data management or how we can deliver Testing as a Service
Concepts, Methods and Read-Made Solutions
As we have worked with automation and digitisation for almost 20 years, we have extensive competence that has led to practical tools and technologies that we can offer our customers. For example, we offer:
- Test as a Service. Subscribe to testing through Lemontree’s TAC concept. We test on an as-needed basis.
- LTE, Lemontree Test Enabler, our ten-year-old test framework that automates a wide variety of processes and integrates with many legacy systems. LTE has test execution and test data feeding via our tool MDS, which allows you to automate tests without being a developer.
- LUQAS, Lemontree Unified Quality Automation Solution. Our test automation framework is based on open-source technologies such as Jenkins, Docker, Selenium and executed via Lemontree’s LDS engine.
We also offer experienced competence in test management, test strategies and help with best practices in testing.
From Requirements to Management
We are present in the entire software life cycle. Our consultants can assist in the requirement setting phase with defining and capturing the requirements your business needs to meet. We also have project management consultants to efficiently assist your projects with the skills to achieve the goals defined in the projects as smoothly as possible.
Within the framework of technology, we have extensive competence and tools in, for example:
- DevOps, CI/CD and automation of development flows, in addition to services, we are also partners with several tool suppliers to be able to offer solutions where you yourself do not have the technology in place.
- Technical testing with associated tool skills. Extensive expertise in various platforms and development and testing tools such as Jira, Octane, ALM, QC, Selenium, Curiosity, Tosca, qTest, Appium, Mobile and Performance Center, JMeter etc.